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Introducing the OpenAsset Employee Module

openasset employee module

At OpenAsset we are continually looking for ways in which our product can be improved to meet the needs of our users. Our software is designed to help companies win more business by minimising the time and effort spent producing documents, whilst highlighting the expertise and accomplishments they have to offer. We believe our recently launched Employee Module can help towards achieving this aim.

For many firms who use OpenAsset, the ability to showcase the talent and experience of their staff is central to the process of pitching for new business. This requires firms to store large volumes of employee and project data, typically in an HR or ERP system. Graphic design or marketing teams then use this information to create or update resumes for submissions in bids, competitions or RFPs.

For AEC and Real Estate firms, the process of keeping resumes up to date, adjusting the layout or branding, or creating resumes for new teams or departments can represent a substantial investment of time. Additionally, the manual process of transferring information between a database and publishing software is prone to error. In order to greatly increase the speed and consistency of this process, we have developed a workflow that can automate the creation of these documents.

employee module

How does it work?

If you use a system like Workday or Oracle as the source of truth for your employee-related data, the Employee Module can integrate with that system via API. If you use Deltek Vision, our Deltek Connector will soon allow you to push employee data directly into OpenAsset without the need for API configuration.

If you don’t have a consolidated employee database, or your employee information is stored in resume documents, then you can manage employee data directly in OpenAsset through fully customizable data fields.

Our Customer Success team will work with you to develop a bespoke template that meets your specifications in terms of branding and layout, which can be used to generate documents in Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word. By linking the employee data with assets stored in OpenAsset, such as headshots, users can generate resumes at the click of a button.

employee module

What are the benefits?

Speed – your marketing and graphic design teams will be able to generate documents at speed and at scale. Requests for large numbers of employee resumes can be fulfilled quickly, removing bottlenecks and smoothing out these departments’ workflows. The Employee Module will relieve your teams of repetitive tasks, enabling them to focus on more challenging and creative work.

Consistency – all documents will be generated from an approved template, ensuring that anyone can generate a resume that meets your firm’s branding and layout requirements. Errors that occur from manually inputting information into resume templates can be removed through the automation of this process.

Organization – you can use the project structure of OpenAsset to help better organize your employee-related assets. Images such as staff photos and headshots can be easily assigned to individual employees.

Knowledge Management – employees can be easily associated with projects and vice versa. Information such as their role and the dates of their involvement in projects becomes easily accessible and searchable within OpenAsset, helping to bring visibility to the contributions of employees across your firm.

Single Source of Truth – employee data is automatically synchronized between OpenAsset and your HR or ERP system. Managing your data in a single location will save time and reduce errors.

How can I access the Employee Module?

To learn more, watch our Employee Module video.

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