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OpenAsset Camera: Available now on iOS and Android

The OpenAsset Camera app is now available to download on iOS and Android platforms. It enables users to take photos or videos and upload them directly into their OpenAsset system. Users can also upload files already stored on their phones or tablets.

DAM systems tend to work best for businesses when they are used as a central repository for all visual assets. Instead of using one system for professional project images and another for site visit and event photos, consolidating all these assets into your DAM will make it much more likely that they are discovered and reused by other members of your firm.

Being able to instantaneously capture and store images in your DAM will ensure that instead of being buried in people’s camera rolls, images can be quickly distributed to the teams that need to use them. As well as improving your image and video workflows, OpenAsset Camera will also open up the use of your DAM to people across your firm as they no longer need to be professional photographers in order to start creating and sharing visual assets.

How is this Useful to Me?

A number of our clients are already making great use of OpenAsset camera. We have picked out a few examples of use cases that may be relevant to how you use OpenAsset.

Site Visits 

Keeping a visual record of your project through all the stages of development and construction is crucial. While your firm may commission a professional photographer to capture your completed project, there are many advantages to using mobile devices to document the frequent site visits that occur up to this point. OpenAsset Camera preserves the location data in your image metadata and by making it as easy as possible to upload site surveys, construction photos and snagging photos straight into your DAM, you can ensure that all these visual records are properly archived. This allows you to keep track of changes as a project progresses, and to see the full picture of how it came together once it has been completed.


AEC firms invest significant amounts of time and resources into planning and executing industry events. These may range from everyday events like professional development sessions, conferences and corporate social responsibility initiatives through to major milestones in your firm’s history like groundbreaking ceremonies and site openings. All of these are worthy of documentation and contribute to the culture that makes up life at your firm. OpenAsset Camera makes it easier to encourage people to capture images and videos from these events, and for your marketing team to promote them in newsletters, social media or on your intranet portal. Once these files have been stored, they can be attached to employees in your system so that they are searchable by the people featured in the images.

Creative Reference

Many of our Architectural clients use OpenAsset to collect images for reference and inspiration. OpenAsset Camera now makes it easy for photos and videos to be captured and archived directly when on the go. By encouraging your colleagues to capture moments of inspiration on their mobile devices, you are able to build a richer library for creative reference.

How does it Work?

Simply download the app onto your mobile phone or tablet from the App Store or Google Play and enter the details that you use to login to OpenAsset. If you have permission to upload files to your system, you can take photos or video within the app, or select files already stored on your device, and upload them directly to a category in OpenAsset. These files will immediately become available for the rest of your team to view and use. You can implement an approvals process for uploaded files by creating a specific category for files uploaded from OpenAsset Camera.

For a comprehensive overview of using OpenAsset Camera, visit our help site. If you would like to discuss how best to incorporate OpenAsset Camera into your existing DAM workflows, contact your Customer Success Manager.

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