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Security and Compliance in Digital Asset Management: How OpenAsset Protects Your Assets 

security and compliance in digital asset management

As organizations increasingly rely on digital content—from marketing materials and creative assets to corporate documents—the need for comprehensive security and compliance measures within Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems has never been more critical. 

As a leading DAM solution, OpenAsset offers robust security and compliance features. But how exactly does OpenAsset protect your assets? 

In this blog, we explain how OpenAsset ensures that your digital assets are not just efficiently managed but also secure and compliant. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a better understanding of security and compliance in DAM and which OpenAsset features keep your assets safe. 

What Is DAM? 

Digital Asset Management (DAM) is a system or software for organizing, storing, and managing digital media files. It’s essential for handling various types of digital content such as photos, videos, audio files, and documents. 

A DAM system allows users to easily access, retrieve, and share these assets. This ensures the efficient and consistent use of assets across an organization. Key functionalities that enable users to find and utilize assets quickly and effectively include:

  • Robust search tools
  • Tagging and categorization
  • Version control
  • Access management

DAM systems are particularly valuable for teams that manage large volumes of digital content such as marketing teams. Additionally, they help maintain brand consistency, protect intellectual property, and streamline workflows. 

By offering centralized storage and backup, integrated sharing capabilities, and more, DAM systems play a critical role in enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring the strategic use of digital assets across various platforms and channels. 

How DAM Software Can Help with Compliance and Security 

In addition to offering easy storage and management capabilities, DAM solutions provide various features that help businesses maintain compliance and security. DAM software enables companies to manage all their assets in a single, centralized location, simplifying access control and helping compliance with regulatory frameworks. 

Let’s look at how a DAM system can help with compliance and security. 


A DAM solution assists organizations in using digital assets in accordance with copyright and other legal standards, protecting them from potential legal complications. Here’s how: 

Regulatory Adherence 

Many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding how digital content is stored, accessed, and used. DAM systems allow the management of assets in a way that complies with legal standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or industry-specific regulations. 

Rights Management 

DAM systems track the licensing information and usage rights of digital assets. This is particularly important for content such as images and videos, which often have specific usage restrictions. By managing these rights within the DAM, organizations can avoid legal issues related to copyright infringement. 

Audit Trails 

Most DAM systems allow companies to monitor the use of digital assets, tracking who accessed a file, when it was accessed, and any modifications that were made. This is crucial for compliance, particularly in environments where maintaining a chain of custody for digital content is necessary. 

Standardization and Control 

By centralizing digital assets and standardizing processes for accessing and using them, DAM helps ensure consistency and adherence to company policies and industry standards. 


Security issues make it risky to share files like images and videos via email. Using a DAM system, you can confidently establish access permissions for different assets. This allows precise control over who can access specific files and in what manner. 

Access Control 

DAM systems provide a smart access control structure. Users can be granted varying levels of permission based on their role. This makes sensitive assets accessible only to authorized personnel. 

Encryption and Data Protection 

Digital assets in a DAM are often encrypted both in transit and at rest. This protects against unauthorized access and data breaches, keeping sensitive information secure. 

Secure Sharing 

DAMs provide secure methods for sharing assets both internally and externally. This reduces the risk associated with sending files via less secure methods, like email. Moreover, these features allow companies to collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders while retaining control over their digital assets. 

Metadata Tagging 

Businesses can enhance their digital assets with metadata tagging. This simplifies the processes of searching, retrieving, and managing these assets, while also ensuring adherence to regulations concerning data retention and privacy. 

How OpenAsset Protects Your Assets 

OpenAsset, the only Digital Asset Management (DAM) tool built for the AEC world, provides a range of features and technologies designed to protect digital assets and ensure their secure management. Here are some security measures and compliance features that OpenAsset offers to protect valuable digital assets:

1. Access Control and Permissions 

  • User Roles and Permissions: OpenAsset offers user roles with specific permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access, edit, or distribute assets. This helps in preventing unauthorized use or alteration of assets. 
  • Group Permissions: Group Permissions are the most effective way of controlling access to features and determining how users use files within OpenAsset. 
  • Access Levels: A huge benefit of OpenAsset is the ability to control access to the content you’ve uploaded. Access levels are indicated by a red, green, and yellow “stoplight” system –  allowing administrators the peace of mind to store content while maintaining full control over who has access to the files. 
  • Authentication: Implementation of strong authentication methods to ensure that only legitimate users can access the DAM system. 

2. Encryption and Data Security 

  • Data Encryption: Both at rest and during transmission, OpenAsset employs encryption to safeguard your digital assets from unauthorized access and data breaches. 
  • Secure Storage: The platform provides secure, cloud-based storage environments that comply with industry-standard security protocols. 

3. Backup 

  • Data Backup: Regular and automatic backups to prevent data loss due to system failures or other unexpected incidents.

4. Secure Sharing Capabilities 

  • Controlled Sharing Options: OpenAsset enables secure sharing of assets within and outside the organization, with control over who can view or download the assets. 

5. Regular Updates 

  • Software Updates: OpenAsset world hard to keep the DAM software updated with the latest security patches and features to combat evolving digital threats.

By combining these features and more, OpenAsset provides a robust and secure environment for managing digital assets. This ensures safety and maintains compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements. 

Getting Started With OpenAsset 

It’s clear that a DAM solution is more than just a storage system—it’s a comprehensive tool for protecting your digital assets. And OpenAsset proves to be the #1 choice for AEC firms. OpenAsset’s DAM platform makes AEC proposals simpler, faster, and more successful. That’s why 99% of customers renew. 

Fortunately, taking the first steps with OpenAsset is easy. Begin by assessing your current digital asset needs and compliance requirements. Then, OpenAsset’s team will guide you through a custom demo to provide a clearer view of how the software can be tailored to fit your specific needs. 

Remember, in a world where digital content is both a valuable asset and a potential liability, having the right tools to manage, protect, and leverage these assets is crucial. Schedule a demo with OpenAsset to experience for yourself all the endless benefits of a robust DAM solution. 

The post Security and Compliance in Digital Asset Management: How OpenAsset Protects Your Assets  appeared first on OpenAsset.